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App key doesnt exist in appSettings
migrator Administrator Posts: 63
Hi, First of all, congrat's for your Product: really friendly. Need your help with using the CriteriaAPI, thru a WPF app with WCF Service. I'm actually trying to use the CriteriaAPI to execute a custom query to a Business object. The request is pretty simple, I need to get the ID of a data with a particular text value. I always have an exception throwed, saying my AppKey (connection string) doesn't exist in appSettings. Need your help on that. Regards
migrator Administrator Posts: 63
Hi,When you hit the red button to generate code, depending on what options you have chosen, you might get a 'Things to Do' tab next to your 'Results' tab. This will normally tell you whether you need to copy a config setting, although in other cases it does it for you automatically.
In any case, search for a file called something like 'generated.config' . This will contain the appSettings that you need to copy into your WPF app.config file, or since you are using WCF, it needs to be copied into the web.config of the WCF service