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No items listed in SchemaObjects tab
migrator Administrator Posts: 63
I had downloaded second time and try to figure it out how to create business object for me. No matter how I try, I just can not have any item under the "schema object select\De-select all" tab, it suppose to have all the table on the sql server should appear here, could some one help. I am create a and use vs 2017 under windows 10. using stander license
migrator Administrator Posts: 63
First thing to check is your schema name setting. Please make sure the Schema Name text box in your data source configuration is blank with no space, then click Refresh. Does it work now? or Do you have an 'Error/Warnings' link showing on the schema objects tab, which might indicate if you have some other error?
The Schema Name filter is helpful when you have a database with multiple schemas and lots of tables and you want to limit the tables presented to you (also faster). However if you miss-spell the schema name you can end up filtering out all the tables.
migrator Administrator Posts: 63
Thank you for your help, I just leave the Schema Name text box empty, then it worked fine.